Unity and Disunity: 21 Years After 9/11

Joyce Krawiec serves in the North Carolina Senate. She represents Davie County and Forsyth County, NC. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative.

This week there has been much sadness. We are mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth and we are remembering the tragedy of 9/11. Two very historical events in our lives.

I can’t help but think about how united we were on that tragic day, September 11, 2001. We were under attack, and we came together as a nation. It was a beautiful thing. 

We all remember where we were when we heard the news. We mourned the deaths of our fellow citizens. We pledged to never forget, and we knew that day, our world would never be the same again. 

Most of us will never forget. But as time goes by, there are more and more people who were not alive when it happened and will never have a true memory of it. It is up to us as a nation to remind future generations what happened that day and to honor our pledge to NEVER FORGET. 

I just learned that there are only 14 states who offer a curriculum which includes the tragedy of September 11, 2001. North Carolina is not one of those states. I intend to help change that and make certain that the children of our state will learn about 9/11 and they will Never Forget. 

When that tragedy happened, we truly were ‘one nation under God.’ We mourned for those lives that were lost. We watched as brave police and firefighters went into those blazing towers to help bring folks out. 

As usual, when danger struck, these brave servants ran to the crisis and gave their own lives to help save their fellow citizens. We were proud of these brave souls and so thankful for them.

How time has changed respect for these police officers and the sacrifices they make. Today there is a constant barrage of attacks aimed at our law enforcement officers and it is shameful and disgusting. The leftist progressive movement has been working overtime to undermine and destroy our law-and-order country.

They’ve made a lot of headway too. The “Defund the Police” movement took off in many large liberal cities. The personal attacks and lack of respect for our officers took on a life of its own. Now these officers are leaving in droves. As these cities are overrun with crime and trying to backtrack on the defund movement, officers are no longer available. Most forces across the country have a tremendous shortage of officers. 

Officers are leaving the force in droves. Many are giving up pensions because the job is not worth it anymore.

New York City has 2500 officers retiring early this year. Almost that many retired last year also. We cannot keep citizens safe without our law enforcement personnel. 

It is time to push back against this liberal leftist movement and return law and order to our cities. That’s the main goal of the government: to keep its citizens safe.

Queen Elizabeth’s death was not a surprise. She was 96. We knew she couldn’t be much longer for this world. Most people didn’t personally know her but were very saddened by her passing. She was a stabilizer in an otherwise crazy world. She reigned for seventy years and served with distinction and dignity. She never embarrassed her family or her citizens by dishonoring her position. She loved her country and her people. But most of all she loved her Lord and never hesitated to let it be known.

Calvin Robinson, an Anglican deacon at Christ Church in London said this. “She was a thorough Christian. The Queen wrote her own speeches every Christmas and she managed to get in there that the person who inspired her was Jesus Christ. And that, I think, is why she led a life of service, duty, and obligation. A servant leader if you will. She put Him at the heart of everything. And I think that’s important for someone who’s a global leader because they must be accountable to someone. And for the Queen, that was Christ.”

Her death brought forth many mourners to the castles in Great Britain. Flowers were placed in remembrance and vigils were held all around. People loved her and wanted to say their goodbyes and pay their respects. 

Then we have the leftist progressives who cannot shut up even for a short time. It is impossible for some to be respectful and let the family and friends mourn their loved one. Just being a normal thoughtful human being and acting decent for a while is too much for them.

A linguistics professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Uju Anya, is one example of pure nastiness. She tweeted, “I heard the Chief Monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating. If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star.”

This woman is evil personified, in my opinion. Could she not keep her trap shut out of respect for the family who is mourning, for a single day? Apparently, civility and respect mean nothing to her. She appears proud of it. Shameful.