This Is No Way To Run A Country, Joe

Joyce Krawiec serves in the North Carolina Senate. She represents Davie County and Forsyth County, NC. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative.

This can’t be the America I grew up in. I think I might need to apply for a green card.

Regardless of how you voted in the 2020 Presidential election, you can’t think ruling by executive order is a good thing. President Biden broke all records his first nine days in office. He signed more executive orders than the 5 previous presidents combined.  He signed 28 executive orders and another 12 proclamations, memorandums, and agency directives. This changes the way laws are supposed to be made. 

In fact in October, now-President Biden said “you can’t legislate by executive actions unless you are a dictator.” Does that mean you are now a dictator, President Biden?

Some of these orders are devastating to our economy and to workers. He canceled the Keystone Pipeline and imposed a moratorium on new leases on oil and gas drilling on federal lands. This immediately put more than 11,000 people out of work on the Pipeline portion alone. One study predicts that the federal lands change will cost 1 million jobs within the next year. That’s a shame. 

The little town of Midland, SD, became a ghost town at 4 PM on January 20, Biden’s first day in office, when Biden signed the executive order to shut down the pipeline. Workers who went to work that morning, came back in the afternoon, to the inn where many stayed during the week, and packed up and left town for good. In New Mexico, 62,000 jobs and $1 Billion in revenue will be lost in the first year after the signing of this mandate. New Mexico’s oil, gas and mining industries fund 40% of the states tax revenue. In 2019, that totaled $3.1 Billion, with $1.36 Billion of that going to fund the schools. Imagine what New Mexico, already one of the poorest states in the country, will do now.

Under President Trump, the USA became the largest oil producer in the world. We reached that milestone in 2018. For the first time since 1973, we weren’t dependent on the middle east for oil.  I hope you noticed how our gas prices plummeted during the past 2 years. Well, get ready for huge increases and dependency on the middle east again. With the executive order to halt drilling, we are in for huge changes. 

The Louisiana coast will be hard hit by the ban on off shore drilling. The API estimates that 48,000 jobs will be at risk. The state stands to lose $95 million in revenue.

When President Biden’s climate change adviser was asked why the administration appears to be punishing the oil and gas industry, she said they’re doing it because the economy is stagnant and “environmental justice communities have been left behind.” Let me see if I have this right. Putting others out of good paying jobs is going to help those who have suffered from “environmental justice.” 

Climate Czar, John Kerry, really made some misleading comments, according to the Washington Post. In attempts to eliminate coal mining jobs, he said that solar installation jobs and wind turbine jobs were available for coal miners to switch to. Oh really. 
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are only 12,000 solar installer jobs currently. It’s expected to grow to 18,000 in 10 years. Wind turbine jobs are currently at 7,000 jobs and is expected to grow to 11,000 in 10 years.  There are currently 50,000 workers in the coal industry.  I guess a total of 10,000 of these coal workers may transition to green energy within 10 years. Kids might get hungry before that. That leaves another 40,000 in the coal industry alone without any jobs. These are also good paying jobs held by coal workers and those in the oil and gas industry. By the way, these green energy installers make about half what those in the oil and gas industry make.
We have had such a great run in employment growth under President Trump. We have experienced the highest employment figures in history, especially for minority populations and women. We can look back on “these good ol’ days.”

A few other executive orders that you might find interesting include, rejoining the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. According to a study released on behalf of the US Chamber, it’s estimated that this will cost 6.5 million jobs and $3 trillion in economic growth.

Another executive order rescinded the ban on taxpayer funds going to foreign organizations that perform and actively promote abortion. Whether or not you approve of abortion, your money will be paying for them.

Does it make any sense to eliminate good paying jobs and put people out of work in the hopes of transforming them into another job that doesn’t pay as much and has to be heavily subsidized by taxpayers? Maybe I’m missing something here. It seems almost ludicrous. Where’s my green card?