Mama Bears, Cubs, and Common Sense

Joyce Krawiec serves in the North Carolina Senate. She represents Davie County and Forsyth County, NC. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative.

Some things should be just common sense. Even if they were not written in stone and came down from Mt. Sinai, they are written in our hearts and minds. We know there are certain truths that God has orchestrated, and we know they are facts and based on natural science.

Some folks just refuse to accept the natural truths as defined by God. I think these people must stay up late at night studying to reach double digits on the IQ scale. There are things so logical they don’t take much thought.

The liberal left is working overtime to convince the voting public that women will no longer be able to obtain abortions since the recent decision overturning Roe v Wade. The court, correctly decided, that this was an issue for the states to decide and the federal government should never have gotten involved. The Constitution clearly states in the tenth Amendment, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” I’ve read it over and over and see nothing about the Federal Government making decisions about abortions.

Parents advocating for the best education for their children are not “domestic terrorists.” The Biden Administration, in an effort to silence parents speaking out at school board meetings, decided that parents could be investigated as ‘domestic terrorists’. That didn’t go over too well.

A good lesson to learn is “Don’t get between a mama bear and her cubs.” Also don’t get between any mama and her babies. One does not want to be in that position. My money is always on Mama.

Young people today are attracted to socialism, but they have no idea what it actually is. Thanks to our education system today, the truth is never told and these youngsters have no idea how economies work. This socialism system of government has failed every time it has been tried. Yet the next group is convinced that it’s only because this group or that group was not in charge. With the correct minds at the helm, it can succeed.

If spending is the problem, it can’t also be the solution. The Biden administration is continuing to throw money in every direction, causing the highest inflation in 40+ years. Stop the spending. We can’t afford any more Biden solutions to inflation.

Ideas should be tested against facts. Facts are very stubborn things and they shouldn’t be ignored. Look to the past to confirm beliefs and see it they worked.

The American Psychological Association, years ago, published a study showing that sex between adults and children might not be all bad. Conversations within the organization, debated whether to publicly remove pedophilia from the mental disorder list. There was a lot of outrage and the APA walked it back. The APA claimed they do not classify mental disorders. Why in the world would they publish and lend credibility to such a study?

The biggest threat to our society is the attack on our children through the curriculum that many schools are following. It may not be in your neighborhood now but could be coming to a school near you. Children are learning to hate America and that America is an evil place. It’s a shame that our children may never know that this country is a special place and has always been a beacon to the world.

Did you ever think that a country that has spent generations teaching our citizens that treating people differently, based on race, was wrong would ever start teaching the opposite? Critical Race Theory is a racist ideology that teaches that the United States is a systemically racist country and that status in life is determined by your skin color. It teaches that there are ‘the oppressors’ and ‘the oppressed’ and our future is destined based on which category one fits in. Can you imagine anything more damaging to children than to believe this as they start out in life?

If there are no consequences for criminal behavior, it will increase. There is a crime wave moving from sea to shining sea, in this country. Thanks to liberal District Attorneys and judges, criminals can go from one crime to another without paying any price. As long as Crime pays, it will continue. We are hearing a lot about White Supremacy. Apparently, it’s everywhere. Bloomberg News claims that having a border wall is a monument to White Supremacy. Does that make those of us who think our country should be protected by a border wall ‘white supremacists?’ They have overplayed their hand on this one. We aren’t buying it anymore.

Can things get crazier? Yep, probably they can. We’ll follow up again at a later date.