God’s Plan: The Wall

Joyce Krawiec serves in the North Carolina Senate. She represents Davie County and Forsyth County, NC. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative.

I am not talking about the border wall, but I will bet that got your attention.


I get a lot of criticism when I talk about God or my faith. Some think because I’m an elected official, I am not allowed to speak of such things. As if being elected to office negates my rights as a free citizen. I even have folks blast me over separation of church and state. I have to remind them that I am neither the church nor the state, but simply a citizen practicing my right to freely worship as I choose.


If your eyes are too sensitive to handle the mention of God and faith, quit reading NOW.

Right now there is a lot of uncertainty. Many people are wondering what the future will hold for them. Some have lost businesses and are stressed about what will happen next in their lives. I want to offer hope and inspiration to all of you who are having these doubts. The future is bright because God is still in control.


Do you wonder if your life is on the plan you hoped for? I am one who is constantly questioning what God wants me to do. I say, Lord, I cannot hear the soft whisper of the heart. Hit me in the head with a bat. I am stubborn and hard of hearing. Sock it to me.


I was reminded about Nehemiah in a book by Kirk Walden. Nehemiah asked himself, “is it the Lord piercing my thoughts?” He didn’t know for sure, but he stepped up and started rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem, 93 years after it was torn down. He didn’t live there and it was not his concern. I can relate to questioning, is that you God or is just me.


We are tempted to think that this or that problem doesn’t concern me, it is none of my business. We want to look the other way but as Christians we cannot do that. We are obligated to live out our faith. Nehemiah never had a burning bush moment. There was no booming voice from heaven, but he believed that the desire he had was God speaking.


We serve a powerful God, omnipotent. That’s how ordinary people do extraordinary things with help from our extraordinary God.


Look at the characters of the Bible that God used in extraordinary ways. Abraham was too old, Moses stuttered, David was not the first born, Mary was too young, Matthew was a tax collector, for Heavens’ sake. Paul was angry and Mark deserted the ministry, but none of that mattered to God, they were willing.


To see our mission, we do not need a burning bush moment, or to hear the voice of God… story after story in the Bible of how God took ordinary people and has accomplished great things. God has a heaven full of angels that He could send here to do the work that needs to be done but He calls you and me instead.


We do not have to be great orators, stutterers will do. We do not have to be rich. We do not have to be smart or educated. We do not have to be strong or even able bodied, we just have to be willing.

I think of my role in the Senate and the path that got me there. Nobody is less qualified than I am, and nobody wanted this job less than I did. Finally, I stepped out in faith. Everyday I know exactly why I am there and how God has used me in ways I could never imagine.


God put people in my path to help me understand that it was God leading and not me. We can look at our flaws and say, No, I am not worthy or we can trust God and step out. In hindsight, I can see God’s hand in every step of my journey, every piece falling into place, just as He planned, even with reluctance on my part.


Despite all our fears, weaknesses and shortcomings, God will empower us and use us, if only we are willing. God didn’t part the seas until the Israelites put their feet in the water. Step out in faith and let God lead. He knows the way, every step. God knows every weakness we have, and He does not care.


There will always be obstacles along the way to halt your journey and mission. Pay No Attention. Many giants are only Goliaths… waiting for our God to topple them with the help of the “Davids” who are willing to step out and take the shot.


Moses was past 80 when God said, “Go and lead my people.” We know how his success turned out. He did not question, he just followed God’s commands.


Wherever you are right now, matters not. God has a plan for every life and he is just waiting for each of us to step out and say, “OK, God, I’m here and I’m willing. Use me however you need to.” His Plan is Perfect.