Explainer: Terri LeGrand’s Support for Defunding the Police

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What Does "Defunding the Police" Mean?

According to Dr. Rashawn Ray, a Fellow at the prestigious Brookings Institution, the movement to “defund the police” supports:


1. Reallocating or re-directing funding away from the police department,

2. To other government agencies funded by the local municipality


Dr. Rashawn Ray further clarified: “Defund does not mean abolish policing. And even some who say abolish, do not necessarily mean to do away with law enforcement altogether.”

LeGrand Signed A Petition To Defund The Police As A House Candidate In 2018

According the the Internet Wayback Machine, and as reported by the Civitas Institute, Terri LeGrand signed a radical pledge in support of socialist policies  as a North Carolina House Candidate as early as November 6, 2018. 


The pledge included language that squarely meets the Brookings Institute’s definition for defunding the police. 

Exhibit A: Screenshot from the Internet Archive, 2018

Exhibit B: The Pledge's Language Perfectly Matches Brookings Definiton of "Defunding The Police"

LeGrand Has Tweeted In Support of Groups That Want To Defund The Police

LeGrand has also written several Tweets vocally supporting and promoting groups that want to defund the police based on the Brooking Institute’s definition. In a June 2020 tweet she described “reallocating police funding” as an important issue facing out community. In an August 2020 Tweet, she wrote that Hate Out of Winston supported reallocating police funding to “much needed” community programs. 

Exhibit C: June 2020 Tweet

Exhibit D: August 2020 Tweet

Terri Recorded A Video With An Activist Discussing Defunding the Police And Making Law Enforcement Harder

Terri LeGrand interviewed a Hate Out of Winston activist and posted the interview on her campaign Facebook page. In the interview, they discuss “reallocating police funding.”



At the 16:00 mark in the video, LeGrand gleefully discusses the idea of ending qualified immunity for police officers. This would expose them to personal liability and frivilous lawsuits, effectively making law enforcement jobs non-viable. 



Rather than stand up for police funding, Terri immediately asked: “Are you afraid this moment is going to pass by without any real structural change? (17:33 mark)” 


Watch The Full Video On Terri's Campaign Facebook Page