Everyday Miracles

Joyce Krawiec serves in the North Carolina Senate. She represents Davie County and Forsyth County, NC. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative.

I am here to attest that after all these years, everyday miracles still happen. Now, I don’t mean to trivialize all those miracles that have taken place on the earth. But all things are personal.  When they happen to you, you take note.

My miracle involves the everyday task of doing laundry. 

Yep, that’s right.  That monotonous drudgery of making sure there are clean clothes in the laundry basket.

For many years, I have been performing this job without much thought, never wondering why I hated doing the white laundry. I would “save it for a big load”. Never mind that my husband’s undershirts and a few socks were pretty much the only white laundry ever to appear.  There were times I even bought new packages to last until “the next big load”.

When I could no longer put it off, the white laundry would finally make it through the washer. Then it would languish in the dryer for days.  I just couldn’t make time to fold it. My armchair psychoanalysis started to parse this situation. My dread wasn’t so much with the washing, but the folding. Upon further examination, I analyzed that the shirts always made it to the hamper inside out. When I folded, I would turn them right side out which took considerably more time.

Being the businesswoman that I am, after identifying and defining the problem, I had to find a remedy. Without a word, I began folding and returning the shirts exactly as they came, inside out.

That’s when the miracle happened.  All of a sudden, tee shirts began to show up right side out. Now I even do small loads of white laundry without much thought.  Now that’s a miracle.