Bud Light and Target continue to suffer losses after promoting LGBTQ issues. Even aimed at children, in the case of Target. The “short term” losses are turning into longer than expected runs. Now there are conversations that shareholders may be planning to sue for the losses suffered. This might be an expensive lesson learned.
Republicans on the U.S. House Oversight Committee have reported that the FBI director has confirmed the existence of a document alleging that President Joe Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme. Does the media even care about this?
Many on the left believe that it’s okay to use force (BLM comes to mind) as long as it’s “for a good cause.” Of course, “good causes” are determined by the left’s feelings. Not facts or reason or logic or even history—– just feelings.
Those on the conservative side look to the past to prove what works or what doesn’t work. History is the best teacher. Those on the far left always point to the future because it cannot disprove their stupid theories. They believe that the same failed policies will work if only “they” were in charge.
We live in the new world of “no absolutes.” Everything is in the eye of the beholder and one can just decide to be whatever one wants. I am self-identifying as a beautiful Hollywood Princess. How dare Hollywood try to disclaim my identity.
There are two sides to every issue. One is right and one is wrong. There is no middle. Act like it.
The debt ceiling debate in Washington has been very entertaining, as sad as it is. The same thing that works for our family budget or our small business budget will work for the U.S. Treasury also. Don’t spend what you don’t have. When you run out of money, in your account, you don’t write anymore checks. No matter how many blank checks are left in your checkbook.
If debt is the problem, it can’t be the solution. If spending is the problem, more spending surely can’t fix it.
Do you remember in the 1970s, progressives claim of “global cooling” were a call to action for us to do “something” as a means to grow government. When this was proved untrue in the 1980’s, the argument was for more government to contain “global warming”. Then as claims disproved that theory, they switched to grow government for the sake of “climate change.” It’s really called “weather,” and it happens no matter what we do.
In every group, you’ll have leaders and followers. But mostly you’ll have those who don’t want to get involved. You get nothing done if you don’t get involved.
Ever wonder why some things happen? Me too. We may never know the reason. We may not need to know. God reveals whatever we need to know.
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson said that states could nullify unconstitutional laws?
Do you wonder about the insane, absurd statements made by some folks? They wouldn’t make them if it didn’t seem logical to those they’re trying to influence.
Rich leftists are such hypocrites. They send their own kids to expensive private schools but fight like the devil over giving poor inner-city families a choice of sending their kids anywhere except the failing schools in their neighborhoods. Governor Roy Cooper, do you hear me?
Families are the bricks of our foundation. That’s why so many are doing all they can to destroy families. When the foundation crumbles, the walls come tumbling down.
Ronald Reagan said facts are stubborn things. He was right. But facts don’t cease to exist just because they are ignored.
Ronald Reagan also said we could double, not triple our troubles and we’ll still be better off than any other people on earth. I agree.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.