Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
I back the Blue 1000%. My prayers everyday are for law enforcement all over our country. I don’t want to live in a country in which officers are not respected and criminals are coddled. Sadly, there are many areas, in our country, that are already there.
Remember when the left started the movement to “Defund the Police” or “Reimagine Policing?” Well, many liberal Democrat run cities did exactly that. It has not worked out too well.
Most are now trying to claim they never advocated to ‘Defund Police.” We know that’s a bald-faced lie. We remember it well and, I hope no one forgets it.
According to the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), crime is soaring in major cities. A press release from the organization stated, “Member cities have experienced a 50% increase in homicides and roughly a 36% increase in aggravated assaults. These shocking numbers demonstrate how the sustained increase in violent crime has disproportionately impacted major urban cities.”
The common denominator in all these major cities is they are all run by liberal Democrats. I am sure that has nothing to do with the results.
In New York, the city has lost 2,000 police officers in the last two years. The loss of officers and the liberal idea that “no bail” should be required is a major reason. The crime recidivism rate is soaring. Criminals are arrested over and over and released immediately.
Billionaire, George Soros, has very deep pockets and he has used his wealth to promote progressive prosecutors all over the country. He recently wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal attempting to justify these actions. Soros, like many liberals, claims that racism is the reason that Black men are arrested. The Department of Justice statistics show that for black victims of violent crime, 70.3% of offenders are black while 10.6% are white. Does this mean that Black on Black crime is racism? That is a ludicrous conclusion.
Officers are also retiring in record numbers all over the country. They claim that lack of respect toward officers is rampant, and they are not allowed to do their jobs as they are trained to do.
Some cities that were once beautiful tourist destinations have transformed into drug infested, homeless sanctuaries. Many major cities have allowed encampments on the streets. Now it is no longer safe for citizens to pass through many of these areas.
Colorado was a state that took serious actions after the death of George Floyd and the riots that occurred. The Colorado legislature passed laws removing qualified immunity for officers and allowing citizens to file civil rights lawsuits against police officers in state courts. Of course, this led to an exodus of officers. You know the ACLU and others will jump on every arrest.
A spokesman for the Colorado Sheriffs said, “It is not a money issue; it is the fact you’ve made this job so untenable that people are afraid to be police officers.”
Heather MacDonald, Manhattan Institute, has done much research in this area. She has a lot to say about it. She described the increase in crime as “a full Post – George Floyd social breakdown and policing breakdown.” She said we have some of the highest homicide rates ever recorded in major cities such as Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington. She further stated, “The mainstream media have done everything they possibly can to pretend this crime increase is not going on.”
Los Angeles County Sheriff, Alex Villanueva, specifically blamed the Defund the Police movement for a 94% increase in crime rates in Los Angeles. He said the LA County Board of Supervisors has cut his budget by more than $300 million.
The Board put out a statement that read, “the County has begun to reimagine it’s criminal justice system away from incarceration and punishment, and instead towards diversion and rehabilitation” Sounds like defunding police to me. They claim that is not what that means. Actions are much louder than words.
Sheriff Villanueva said, “They have these flowery ideas, let’s reinvest in the community, let’s reinvest in social engineering. We’re gonna go to the root cause of crime and let’s spend money there, so we don’t have to pay for the consequences.
While their flowery ideas bloom, criminals are taking advantage of this policy. Criminals will continue to commit crime if it pays. It is much easier to take something from somebody else who earned it than to actually go earn it yourself. If there are no consequences, why not? It’s not rocket science.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.