Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
We all know the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Some of these roads are eight-lane Super Highways. I’m not certain George Soros has good intentions but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he believes this malarkey.
Mr. Soros wrote a very interesting op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this past week. He explained why he supports “reform” prosecutors. “Reform” in this case is coded language for “prosecutors who do not enforce the law.” Soros admitted openly his goal and he is proud of his work in this realm. He has been pouring millions of dollars into District Attorney races around the country to elect these “reform prosecutors.” He has been successful in getting inexperienced prosecutors elected and destroying the criminal justice system.
As you may know, Soros is the brains and the money behind the “defund the police” movement. He advocates for replacing police officers with mental health counselors. He ignores the fact the police are usually the first ones on the scene, and that these are the most dangerous situations. Mental health is a primary issue for much of the serious crime and police are well equipped to deescalate the situation. But under Mr. Soros’ “reforms,” social workers and unarmed members of the public would be stuck dealing with the most dangerous situations.
Soros claims that since there is a disproportionate number of African-Americans in the criminal justice system, and that there is tremendous racism in the justice system. Mr. Soros says “We need to acknowledge that black people, in the United States, are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people. That is an injustice that undermines democracy.”
Soros makes no claim that these criminals are being treated any differently. Almost all Americans agree that our nation should focus on enforcing the law regardless of race. Mr. Soros’ divisive rhetoric is only meant to stoke racial tensions and obfuscate the truth: that his ideas are universally unpopular among all races, and that minority communities are being harmed by his “reforms” the most.
These reformers are in the process of destroying the criminal justice system. They are eliminating justice and advocating for criminals. Prosecutors in many cities are refusing to prosecute many crimes. Many have instituted no bail requirements.
Police officers put their lives on the line everyday to take criminals off the street and sometimes within hours, they are back out on the streets, committing more crimes.
The results are that crime is running rampant in many cities across the country. Between 2019 and 2021, in San Francisco, the murder rate rose 37%, 53% in New York, 58% in Philadelphia and 60% in Chicago. Other violent crimes skyrocketed as well.
A Los Angeles police officer told of his reality on the streets. “My partners and I frequently arrest the same people for the same crimes over and over. The lack of charges results in wasted police time. The criminals know it. I can’t tell you how many times someone I’m arresting for robbery or gun possession tells me ‘You’re wasting your time, District Attorney Gascon (Soros funded) is just gonna let me go.’ One suspect was on probation for robbery, had a pending case for robbery, and then I arrested him for robbery, only for him to be let go again. Prison the first time, would have prevented two more robberies.”
In Spokane, Washington, one criminal has been arrested 225 times. A group of 442 criminals have committed 42,000 crimes in the city. In New York, ten career criminals have been arrested 500 times after Soros politicians “reformed” the bail system. In Atlanta, one thousand people are responsible for 40% of the crimes. Criminals know that prosecutors have their backs. Crime does indeed pay. Why bother to work if you can just go out and rob for what you need. Financially, it’s a much better deal.
Communities are finally fed up and are starting to push back. There are many recall efforts around the country to remove these prosecutors. It appears that some will be successful.
Somehow George Soros convinced voters that he had the “magic bullet” (pun intended) to stop crime in our cities by electing ‘soft on crime’ prosecutors. These results should be no surprise to anyone. It’s not rocket science. If crime is free, criminals are going to take all the freebies they can.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.