Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
What is the real meaning of being Pro-Choice? Are those who claim to be, actually pro-choice?
It appears that many of those who wear the Pro Choice badge, are only pro choice when it comes to abortion. They are adamantly opposed to citizens being able to make their own choices in many other areas.
Many in this “pro choice” club would like to determine where we set our thermostats, what kind of cars we drive, how much water we can use to flush our toilets, what kind of “healthy food” we eat, how we choose to trim our trees, if we’re allowed to protect our families, etc. Well, I take part of that back. We can choose our type of car as long as it’s a small hybrid that doesn’t need gas.
These “pro choice” folks need to realize that many citizens are pro choice when it comes to making many decisions. We are pro choice when it comes to choosing the schools our children attend. You know, those children that we chose to birth. We are pro choice when it comes to deciding if our children receive vaccines. We are pro choice in determining whether it’s safe for our children to wear masks. We are pro choice when it comes to protecting our families. We want the choice to make those decisions.
The motto seems to be, if I don’t like it, nobody is allowed to do it. If I do like, everybody is required to do it.
The North Carolina General Assembly is currently in session, and I keep thinking about the real meaning of being pro-choice. Republicans have introduced a ton of good legislation covering various areas like small business concerns, education/schools, 2nd amendment rights and protecting the unborn, etc. Many of these policies give citizens “choices”. And liberals usually vote against them every time.
Do you remember when we were told to wear a mask? That was after we were told that we shouldn’t wear masks. People didn’t have any problems with it initially, but then months into wearing a mask, some folks stopped. Many had health reasons and some just grew weary and felt confined. Some folks railed into those who didn’t wear a mask, but what happened to being pro-choice? Isn’t it their body, their choice? I know the argument, “well, you might infect me”. If you’ve had the vaccine, aren’t you protected? It’s also possible to stay away from unmasked people if you want. That’s your choice.
My staff and I have all been vaccinated for COVID-19 and I hope people continue to get the vaccine. But there are those who are trying to demand vaccine passports and that everyone be mandated to get vaccinated. I support choice. If you want to get vaccinated, you can. If you don’t, then don’t. But, unfortunately, many who claim to be pro choice, want to deny choice to you when it comes to vaccines. Isn’t that an oxymoron?
When the legislature is working on school choice legislation, teachers unions go in overdrive to fight it. This is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. When legislation was being debated to open up schools, it was a messy fight. They held some legislators hostage to keep schools closed. Most teachers and parents realized the importance of getting children back in the classroom and they were determined to do so. Thank goodness it finally happened.
Parents want and deserve the choice of where their students go to school. But, unfortunately, many in the Legislature are against school choice to give parents the option of where their kids go to school. What happened to my life, my choice?
Some of my colleagues in the General Assembly fight very hard to eliminate charter schools and Opportunity Scholarships for the disadvantaged. These same legislators send their children to expensive private schools and charter schools. They have their choice of schools, but others are not entitled to the same opportunity. You gotta hand it to them. That takes a lot of nerve. Can you say Hypocrite?
It is time to give people a choice to decide if they want to wear a mask, if they want to get a vaccine, or where their children go to school, and how to live their lives.
When elected officials claim to be “pro-choice,” do they mean “choice for me but not for thee?” It certainly appears that way.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.