The Gold Medal For Backpedaling?

A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth that everybody knows. It is now campaign season and there will be no shortage of lies told and repeated. If we had a true media doing its job, there would be accountability. We don’t. The only time the media does its job is when there is a Republican in the White House. Then they work around the clock to uncover stuff that never even happened. As in Russia, Russia, Russia. Remember that lie told about Trump? It was completely made up, funded by Hillary’s campaign and promoted by the FBI and the media without any serious investigation.

Vice President Kamala Harris has begun to walk back many things she has said in the past. Was she lying then or is she lying now? She was a strong advocate for defunding the police and now she says that’s not true. She was also appointed Border Czar and now she claims she never was. She also claimed on numerous occasions that the border was secure while we watched illegals walk in by the thousands.

Because of the administration’s border policies, we now have had over 10 million illegals entering this country since Biden/Harris took office.

Let’s look at some of the other things she has said and done. So far, she has refused to be interviewed or hold a press conference. Will there be an outcry from the media demanding that she face questions. We shall see.

While VP Harris was the prosecutor of San Francisco, this was the only major city in the United States that failed to prosecute priests for sexual abuse of children. The law firms representing the priests were her biggest donors to her campaign. This is information revealed in Peter Schweitzer’s book, ‘Profiles in Corruption’. Wonder what lie she will tell on this?

She has a long laundry list of things that she will need to lie out before the American people will likely vote for her. Of course, the people have to know about this list, and we can’t count on the media to expose any dark side.

As Attorney General, she blocked evidence to free an innocent man. After the court ordered her to release the evidence, the suspect was freed. He sued California and received $13 million from the state.

She promoted and backed a bail fund for Black Lives Matter members who were convicted. These criminals burned down buildings and wreaked havoc across our country. The VP also contributed to and supported the ‘Freedom Fund’. This fund raises money to put rapists, murderers and other criminals back on the street. This post is still up so she’s not trying to hide from that apparently.

Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president for the Fraternal Order of Police said, “Let’s be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country. Over the last three years in the U.S., we’ve averaged over 20,000 homicides a year, and we haven’t seen those numbers since the mid-1990s.” He pointed out that bail reform laws are the horrific consequences of these policies.

In a recent statement, the VP did a good deal of pandering. She addressed the ‘out of control’ inflation. She threatened to set price freezes on groceries to stop price gouging by grocery stores. Is she kidding or is she crazy? Grocers have one of the smallest profit margins in all retail industries, 1.5%. Has she been to communist countries where shelves are empty in the stores? Price fixing is not capitalism, and it has never worked. It has been tried repeatedly and leads to shortages and starvation in many cases. Does she not realize that grocery stores must compete for business? Does she also not realize that the Biden Harris policies are the reason we have run away inflation? Groceries are not the only consumer item that has spiraled upward. Everything is much costlier than when this administration took office.

She is a supporter of the ‘Green New Deal’. This is the worst policy that could ever happen to this country. It would require banning gas cars and eliminating greenhouse gases in agriculture, manufacturing and other industrial sectors. In other words, it would force industries out of business or to move to China or India. It’s not rocket science to know that those countries have no restrictions, and we all breathe the same air. Environmental issues would be much worse if those countries take our industries.

The Green New Deal would also require universal health care. Insurance would be banned, and the Government would be in charge. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it’s free.

The Price tag on this Green New Deal is estimated between $51-$93 trillion. Money that we would have to borrow from China, I guess.

There is so much more that I could say about Vice President Harris but that’s enough to scare us all. Remember, when somebody shows you who they are, believe them regardless of what they say. Because they lie.