Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
This has been an unusual week. History was made when a Supreme Court draft decision was leaked to the press. This has never been done before. It set off a frenzy like nothing we have ever seen.
Regardless of how one feels about abortion and Roe vs Wade, we should all agree that this attack on the court, is a scary happening. We have seen prominent elected officials making veiled threats to the court. This should upset everyone. The justices’ addresses have been published, with maps included, and calls for protests to be conducted at their homes. This is over the line. These justices have children and families that are placed in danger.
Abortion has been an unsettled question for half a century. There will never be complete agreement by everyone. But it appears that there are some who literally worship at the altar of abortion, and nothing goes too far. Is it extreme to say that there should be limits on abortion? Most people think that is a reasonable assumption.
The leaked documents that have been exposed, indicate that the court is on the verge of overturning Roe vs Wade. Very few citizens have any idea what that means.
The pro-abortion forces are using scare tactics to say, ‘the sky is falling.” Most citizens have no idea what will happen if Roe is overturned. A recent poll is very telling on how uninformed people are regarding this subject.
In a Reuters poll, respondents were asked, “which of the following would happen if the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade?”
Sixteen percent believed that abortion would become illegal in the U.S. immediately, Twenty eight percent believe it would become “mostly illegal”. Twenty four percent had no idea. Only 32% accurately said, “laws governing abortion would be made at the state level, allowing it to remain legal in some states and become illegal in others.”
The folks who are following closely, feel that the leaker of this decision is a law clerk. Very few believe that a Justice would ever do such a thing. Most think that it’s a clerk of a liberal judge and is an attempt to pressure the judges to change the decision.
Many of the pro abortion crowd are hailing this leaker as a hero. Brian Fallon, former campaign spokesman for Hillary Clinton became the leader of a dark money group who led the fight against Brett Kavanaugh. He said, “Is a brave clerk taking this unprecedented step of leaking a draft opinion to warn the country what’s coming in a last ditch Hail Mary attempt to see if the public response might cause the court to reconsider? All Democrats should show the same urgency as the clerk who apparently risked his or her career to sound this alarm”
This is shameful and an embarrassment that someone with such stature would laud this act as praiseworthy.
The scare mongers are working overtime to frighten citizens into thinking that this is just the beginning and that other decisions are lying in wait to reverse what has been previously decided. The claims that next will come a ban on contraceptives, black-white marriages are forbidden or that same sex marriage is not permissible. It’s all smoke and mirrors and this decision has nothing to do with others.
Those on the far left have no shame and their moral compass is completely out of kilter. The attempt to intimidate the justices and scare the public into riots is an attack on all of us.
The left has been using the court for many decades to get things done that can’t be done through the legislative process. When they can’t get their way through elected officials, they have turned to unelected judges to get policies enacted that don’t have enough support otherwise. It’s must easier to persuade nine judges in black robes that millions of citizens.
For too long, too many judges have forgotten that their job is to follow the constitution and to interpret the law. They are not supposed to make law from the bench.
There are many scholars, who are pro-choice, who always felt that Roe was a bad decision and was a mistake that the court should have never weighed in on. This decision, made more than 50 years ago has been the most divisive in our history.
Most decisions from the Supreme Court become settled law. Not this one. There has been an ongoing attempt, since 1973, by states to pass laws pertaining to abortions. The original decision by the High Court has been seen as usurping authority from the people and their elected representatives. The current Supreme Court apparently agrees.The leaked draft opinion, authored by Judge Alito, is very clear on the court’s findings. He said, “Wielding nothing but ‘raw judicial power’ the Court usurped the power to address a question of profound moral and social importance that the Constitution unequivocally leaves for the people.”
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.