Right to Vote”? Over-ruled by Far-Left Judge

Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate

One of my proudest accomplishments since serving in the North Carolina Senate, is being the primary sponsor of the Voter ID law. Many hours of debate and research went into the crafting of this bi-partisan bill. I am proud to be the Lead Primary Sponsor of this piece of Legislation as directed by the citizens of our state. 


The citizens of our state voted unanimously to add a voter ID requirement to the states’ Constitution. Thirty four other states already have some form of voter ID law. North Carolina’s law is one of the most lenient in the country.   


Governor Cooper first tried to deny the right of the people by vetoing the bill. It was overridden with votes from Democrats and Republicans. And in a blink of an eye, an unelected judge (1 judge) has invalidated the will of the people of North Carolina. Talk about voter suppression. That’s taking it to a new level.

Judge Loretta Biggs, an Obama appointee, said racial motivation was a likely factor in the crafting of the Law. I say BULL, BULL and MORE BULL. With all due respect, Ms.Biggs, I was there, you were not. There was absolutely NO RACIAL MOTIVATION in this law. My cosponsor was an African American Democrat. What does that say about him? How insulting can one be?


The Department of Justice, the Board of Elections and the Governors office have denounced the false accusations of discriminatory intent levied against the bill sponsors. I appreciate the support in their statement, but I want to know why they are denying the will of the people by not seeking an immediate stay of the injunction and review by the Supreme Court. It’s clear that Governor Cooper and Attorney General Stein will do all they can to stop Voter ID laws from becoming a reality in North Carolina.


The NC Voter ID law was well crafted and very lenient. Under the law, voters can receive free IDs from DMV or Board of Elections. There is also a “reasonable impediment” clause which provides for voters to vote by merely attesting as to why they can’t present ID. It can’t get any easier than that.

I am amazed and saddened that Judge Biggs assumes racial discrimination without any evidence at all. How insulting to claim that blacks are unable to obtain a free ID and to have the same opportunities to claim “reasonable impediment” if necessary.  


If judges want to be Legislators, they should run for office. They should not use the bench for Legislating and denying the will of the people. How can it be “unconstitutional” for “we the people” to amend our Constitution, as provided?


Why do we have elections, if judges have final authority over our vote? Why do we need Legislators? It’s time to reign in judges who don’t understand their role.