Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
It’s that time again. Income Tax Season. Most of us have someone else prepare our returns, then we sign, under penalty of law, that these forms are true and accurate. If we knew enough to know that, we wouldn’t need someone else to do them. What am I missing?
God has infinite resources. He can send a platoon of angels to do everything that needs to be done. But sometimes He chooses ordinary people like you and me to do His work.
No matter how tall your parents are, you still have to do your own growing. Blaming others for your plight in life will only carry you so far.
I’ve never understood why taking someone else’s money is called “need”, wanting to keep your own hard earned money is called “greed” and “compassion” is willing politicians anxious to handle the transfer.
Some things I write for my own benefit. Some things I write because people need to hear it and others have better sense than to say it out loud.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito.
Society has always had a tendency to swing from one ideological spectrum to another. We can’t simply rely on the tides. Sometimes we must swim with them but sometimes we must swim furiously against them. We must swim in the right and moral direction at all times.
If you want to learn about family history, Run for Office.
Some think that everyone is entitled to higher wages, retirement income, transportation, decent home, healthcare, etc. whether they have earned it or not.
Many think that Choice is everything and it matters not what you choose. They forget Choices have consequences.
When you are emotionally depleted and have run completely out of gas, turn to Christ who strengthens us and tell Him you need a refill.
America was intended to have a limited government. But a government that is allowed to determine it’s own powers will not remain limited for long.
Common sense has become so uncommon, it’s now marketable.
Conservatives want government to do very little, liberals want government to do very little things, which means everything. (Like require x gallons to flush a toilet and control light bulbs)
Many things need to be done, but government doesn’t need to do them all.
History is being rewritten so nobody is offended. Which means it’s not history at all.
Criminals love gun control. It makes their job much safer.
Your wallet is the only place the Biden administration is willing to drill. Noticed gas prices are up $1 per gallon since the new administration got in town.
Don’t put the key to your happiness in somebody else’s pocket. Keep it in your own.
Using a carrot is fine but sometimes it must be accompanied with a big stick.
Government was never intended to be a department store where people can select what they want and put it on somebody else’s credit card.
Have you noticed that everything must be tolerated except decency and morality?
Who needs facts when you can rely on myths to serve your purpose? Learn the facts so you won’t buy into the myths.
How some judges will rule these days is a bigger gamble than playing the lottery or betting on the horses.
Craziness is springing up everywhere like dandelions after a spring rain. Shoot it down or it becomes the truth that everybody knows.
Political correctness is a threat to free speech. It’s the open attack on the ideas and of all things we’ve always valued in this country.
Bipartisan Stupidity is still Stupidity.
Morality is still the first line of defense in a civilized society.
There are some things worth fighting over and they are also worth dying for.
Failure is life’s greatest teacher. We learn far more from our failures than any successes.
Vicious cycle: Problem= Spending money we don’t have – Solution= Spending money we don’t have –
So Moses is up on Mount Sinai and he says, “God, I’ve got a pounding headache.” God says, “Here, take these 2 tablets.” Ain’t God good. He always finds a way.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.