New Candidate, Same Tired Ideas

The American people are being asked to remove all the things from our memory that we know about Vice President Kamala Harris. We are encouraged to forget the things we have seen and heard from her and listen to the new “Kamala.” 

It is ironic that she is being portrayed as the candidate of change. Her campaign slogan is “A New Way Forward.” We should forget that she is the incumbent in this race. They expect us to forget that she was the first candidate to drop out of the race in 2020 for lack of support. We should also forget that she has been the most unpopular Vice President in American History.

The race is on, and she is the Democrat candidate. Elections are around the corner, and many are still trying to figure out what Kamala Harris stands for. When asked why she flip flopped on so many issues, she said her values have not changed. What are her values, is the question?

What do we know about the beliefs of Kamala Harris? We know she is the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate. She is to the left of Bernie Sanders, a declared socialist, and Elizabeth Warren. Getting to the left of those two takes some real squeezing. 

VP Harris is trying her best to pretend that she is not a socialist and is really a moderate like so many Americans. Good luck with that. Americans are not stupid.

She has spent her time, since becoming the nominee, dodging media interaction, and avoiding any press conferences. It is unlikely that media members will ask her tough questions, but she’s not taking any chances. Seventy-one days into her campaign and she has not had a single press conference. A few sit-down interviews, with friendly press members, she has not answered a single substantive question. 

The only thing she says in the few media interactions is, I am from a middle-class family. That isn’t true either. Middle class families do not spend weekends and summers in Palo Alto, California. They do not attend private schools. Her private school where she attended kindergarten class has a tuition of $29,800 per year, according to their website. They don’t take ballet lessons from a world renown Russian ballerina either.

Most middle-class families don’t travel to Jamaica for vacations and visit relatives in India. Her father is from a privileged family in Jamaica who were former slave owners. 

Her parents both taught and researched at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Included in that list are Cambridge, Yale, Stanford, etc. 

She lived six years in Canada and lived in one of the most upscale neighborhoods in Montreal. She also attended the top schools.

She talks about the house her mother was finally able to buy after saving enough money. She does not tell you that the house is in a very prestigious neighborhood and is valued at nearly $1,000,000, according to Redfin. How many middle-class families live in houses like that?

Let us look at what we know she has said and done in the past:

  • We have had the highest inflation in forty years due to the policies of this administration. Her answer is price controls. That really reeks of socialism.  
  • She was the Border Czar and erased the border to allow more than 10 million illegals into our country. Many of them were flown into our communities.
  • She wants to do away with gas automobiles.
  • She sponsored the Green New Deal and has said she would do away with the filibuster to pass it.
  • Banning fracking was a priority for her and it would cost millions of jobs.
  • She advocated for sex change transitions for illegals to be paid by taxpayers, even those in our prisons.
  • She supported “No Bail Laws” which allows criminals back on the streets. She even promoted a Go Fund Me page for contributing to criminals who took over a police precinct in Minnesota.
  • She supports men participating in women’s sports.
  • She supports gun confiscation. She denies it now but there are videos out there, in her own words. She said, “Just because you own a gun in the safety of your own home, doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible. That’s right out of the Gestapo playbook.
  • A mandatory “Gun Buyback” was one of her favorites. (Video on that also)

I could go on and on with this list, but you get the picture. She is not what she is being portrayed.

We must not forget one of her biggest lies was the constant drum beat of how sharp President Biden was. She claimed he had never been sharper. Lies, Lies, Lies.