Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
As I write I am in beautiful San Diego, California for a policy conference. This is such a beautiful place and I love to visit but I surely don’t want to live here.
The hotel is gorgeous but very much a member of politically correct society. It may be just regulations of California that make everything PC. The lights will only stay on for a given amount of time and then they automatically shut off in the guest rooms. I like to leave the bathroom light on in case I get up at night. No way is that allowed, unless I get up and down all night to turn it back on. That defeats the entire purpose of being able to see when you wake up in a strange room and want to see where you’re going.
California has become the first state to ban gas powered cars. This is a state that has the most people who fly around in private jets. Do they know that one trip in that jet uses more fuel than the average family uses all year? Perhaps those jet owners are the only residents they desire in California. They are fast becoming almost the only ones who can afford to live here.
On the flight coming in, windmills were covering the desert, generating electricity. I wonder if these folks are aware that windmills and solar panels can’t produce fuels for those fancy jets that residents in California rely on? They also cannot supply fuel for the 290 million registered vehicles in the United States as of 2021.
High cost electricity increases the cost of everything. Every product we use will be more costly. We’ve seen it already with inflation rising due, in part, to higher cost in energy.
Without heavy subsidies, we wouldn’t have these green energy producers. It’s very expensive and is only produced intermittently. The primary use of crude oil is not to generate electricity but to produce the products that make the world go round. These geniuses haven’t figured out that all the parts for solar and wind farms are made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. If they rid the world of oil, there will be no windmills or solar panels.
The Biden administration is handing out subsidies to the electric vehicle market. These subsidies are mostly going to the wealthiest Americans. They are currently the only ones who can afford these vehicles even with the generous subsidies.
These liberal elites just don’t understand real folks. Democrat Sen. Debbie Stabenow from Michigan bought a $60,000 electric car. She commented about her trip back to D.C. “I went by every single gas station and it didn’t matter how high the price of gas was.” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, when gas was $3.40 per gallon, said, “Families that once they own that electric vehicle will never have to worry about gas prices again.”
Many of these folks want gas prices to be high. The idea is to try to force people to buy electric vehicles. Don’t they realize that most people can’t afford that $60,000 car? Also, in case you didn’t know, the battery lasts only about 3 years and the replacement cost is approximately $25,000.
If you can afford it and desire an electric vehicle. Go for it. But please don’t force me and others to help pick up the tab.
If the subsidies keep rising maybe many will reconsider. Most people would love to have a Mercedes or a Ferrari instead of the Ford that they drive. If the government will subsidize the Ferrari or Mercedes so that we can pay the same amount as we would for a Ford. Which do you think most people will drive? Hard working poor people subsidizing rich people is nothing new.
California is home to half of the nation’s electric cars. Since these will be the only vehicles allowed to be sold in a few years, in this state, I guess they need a head start.
Seventy percent of the world’s electric batteries are produced in China. Eighty three percent (83%) of China’s energy comes from fossil fuels as reported by the Energy Information Administration. Kelly Senecal of Convergent Sciences has calculated that carbon emissions to produce a battery for a Nissan Leaf are comparable to driving a BMW for 24,000 miles.
Wait until these greenies learn that these batteries contain lots of different minerals. Where do we get them? They have to be mined from the Earth. You know that’s not gonna go well.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.