Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
In looking through some old files, I found some interesting research that I wanted to share with my readers. Although it’s dated, it’s even more relevant today.
I thought that I had heard everything that could possibly shock me. I really believed that all the moral rot that had taken over our country had desensitized me. The American Psychological Association, at one time, was a very trusted organization. I’m not so sure it deserves that esteem today. They published a study that would shock even the shockproof. This once reputable organization determined through a study, that sex between adults and children might not be so harmful after all. Say what?
You heard me right. Some time back, The American Psychological Association’s Psychological Bulletin released a study, concluding that adult/child sex may not be such a bad thing after all. The authors urged psychologists not to assume that sex between nonrelated adults and children is abusive and the children often view the experience as positive. The authors wanted to abandon the term “child sexual abuse” when the children have given consent to sex with adults. They are more in favor of the value neutral term “adult-child sex”.
These idiots don’t explain how a child has the capacity to consent to having sex with an adult. I guess I’m just picky. This sounds oddly familiar. Remember the old arguments in rape cases, that the victim was “asking for it.” I had hoped we had moved past such nonsense.
The study in question examined college students who had been sexually molested as children. What the authors found is that many of them had put the abuse behind them and were managing to function pretty well. Only a small percentage of any current problems were related to their having been the victim of child abuse. This is great news for these young people that they have been able to adapt so well to the impact of having been abused, but to try to paint this as a positive occurrence in their lives is absurd.
The authors say that in order to define sex with children as abusive one must be able to show that it is “likely to cause harm to an individual.” In other words, it’s okay to sodomize a young child so long as they don’t develop psychological problems because of
This so-called study must have been conducted with hand chosen subjects. There are numerous studies and thousands of damaged children and adults who have had their lives ruined because of sexual abuse.
There has been a very real movement, for a long time, to legalize and legitimize sexual relations between boys and adult males. The strategy of the movement is to promote the objective of child adult sex, free of moral considerations.
Dr. Frederick Berlin, founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital, said people who are sexually attracted to children should learn not to feel ashamed of their condition. He also said, “We do believe that these people have a disease or a disorder that impairs their function, that it causes them suffering and that they need to turn for help.” By all means, let’s not make these perverts feel abnormal or ashamed. Have you noticed that any abnormal behavior is now called a “disease” and therefore it’s excusable?
The definition of pedophilia, according to Merriam-Webster is: “Sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object. Specifically, a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a child.”
Merriam Webster still thinks it’s a psychiatric disorder. I’m thankful for that.
Linda Nicolosi of National Association for Research of Homosexuality said other psychiatrists have written, in scientific journals, that if children can be forced to go to church, why should “consent” be the defining moral issue when it comes to sex? She further stated that “Courts are so afraid of legislating one’s privately held religious beliefs that if pedophilia is normalized, we will be hard put to defend the retention of laws against child molestation.”
Can you believe this? I swear it’s true. Nobody could make this stuff up.
I believe, as is so often done, this is the first step toward normalizing abnormal behavior. A norm is a generally agreed upon standard, which everyone (or at least most) is willing to adhere to. Throughout time, intact societies have discovered that for most of the people most of the time this has worked pretty well. Now it seems we have no norms.
Now it appears that these organizations have an ongoing agenda to normalize pedophilia along with a host of other “abnormalities.” Some within these organizations have joined with judges in usurping our ability, as a society, to determine acceptable norms.
Behavior that was once unacceptable and considered a mental disorder is now beginning to be softened by the folks who should know better. Those who have overseen leading us back to normalcy, helping us cope, have jumped off the cliff.
Children have become pawns for adults to use for their own sexual pleasures. This is the worst kind of abuse. To claim it’s normal and should be an acceptable practice is INSANE.
Somebody, please, say it ain’t so?
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.