Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
Nothing compares to the hypocrisy that took place recently at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
I told you a few weeks ago about the push by the WEF founder to normalize pedophilia. That’s just a sideline issue. The real reason they exist is to scare us all senseless over climate change. I hope you remember that originally it was called Global Warming. When science didn’t cooperate, metamorphosis was made to climate change. Some of you may know it as “Weather.”
More than 1,000 private jets flew into Davos with very wealthy patrons. They were there to lecture us about reducing our global footprint because we are such greedy abusers of our natural resources. It never occurred to any of these hypocrites that the private jet they used to get there consumed more energy than most of our families will use in a year.
The famous internet inventor, Al Gore, went on a rant like nothing you’ve ever heard. First of all, there’s no bigger hypocrite anywhere than Al Gore. A report a few years ago noted that his house, in a week, used more energy than the average family used in a year. He has made a fortune flying around the globe, in his private jet, lecturing the rest of us. His net worth is now $300 mil.
You see, if you have enough money to pay lots of bucks into these coffers, you can offset the carbon footprints. For you and me, that means we stop using energy but the rich guys just pay their way so they can feel better about themselves because they are paying for their footprint. I haven’t figured out how that reduces the energy they are using.
We’re not supposed to notice their glutinous behavior. Do as I say, not as I do.
The World Economic Forum is just full of ideas for all of us “little people.” The answer to the climate change problem can be solved with fewer people on the planet and reducing our agriculture production, especially meat production. You see, producing animal meat leaves a huge global footprint.
These wizards are working overtime with biotechnology to grow meat in labs. I understand they’ve been successful. The first cultured beef burger, produced a few years ago, only cost $210,000. I understand it has come down substantially in price now. Yippee.
The FDA recently approved the first cell cultured food product; lab grown chicken. I can’t wait to try that.
Now for the really yummy part. The World Economic Forum is also pushing a new source of protein for all of us “little people”. They published a paper titled; “5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change.” The claim is that insects are as protein rich as animals. Insects require less care and upkeep than livestock and we’re running out of protein.
These do-gooders are moving right along preparing our future diets. They are creating flour from crickets. Yummy biscuits. I’m trying to imagine how we can make enough flour from crickets to replace just one Nebraska farmer’s wheat supply. What am I missing? And you just know these same elitists will object to housing crickets in an enclosed space without a certain amount of square footage for each cricket. You just know it.
The European Commission is falling right in line with the World Economic Forum. They recently authorized the placing on the market of a fourth insect, Alphitobius disperionum (lesser mealworm) as a food. Caterpillars are said to be one of the highest in protein.
Representative Mike Flood of Nebraska had a powerful tweet for these fine folks. He said, “The globalists are at it again. Pushing their plans for shifting the world toward a vegan diet as they dream of ending meat production. If WEF wants to learn how to feed more people efficiently, they should visit Nebraska where it happens so that people who do the work can show them how it’s done.”
The sad part is, if the United States was no longer in existence, the worlds pollution levels would still be more than 90% of what it is today. We are crazy to ever take these people seriously.
So Mamas, all those times you grabbed insects from your baby’s mouths, you were denying them lifesaving protein.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.