Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
What part of ILLEGAL is difficult to understand? The dictionary defines it like this: “forbidden by law or statute.” Synonyms are, “criminal, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, unlawful, wrongful.” Is there anything confusing about that definition?
Any fool knows if you reward a certain behavior you get more of it. Bad behavior should never be rewarded and illegal behavior especially. This administration has broken the border and has now really gone NUTS. It appears that the administration is negotiating to award illegal immigrants entering into this county. If finalized, each person can receive $450,000 per person. So a family of four who has been separated can receive nearly $1,000,000. I swear you can’t make this stuff up.
These are families who were separated at the border during the Trump administration. Now let’s get this straight, one enters this country illegally, and now we will give this huge reward for doing so.
We have families in this country daily who are separated. We hear the tales of how many fathers and mothers are imprisoned and removed from their families. They are removed because they have engaged in illegal activity. If you have entered this country without doing it legally, you have engaged in illegal activity. Why would we ever reward families who entered wrongfully when we have so many American families in need? Families of our incarcerated prisoners haven’t committed any crimes, should they be rewarded because of separation?
There is a crisis at our border. We all know that. If you don’t know it, talk to some border control agents, people living in border states or listen to those governors pleading for help from our federal government. We can say what we want about Trump, and there has been plenty said about him, but he fixed the crisis at the border. He was well on the way to permanently fixing it with the Border Wall. By the way, we are paying contractors $5,000,000 per day, not to finish the wall. Materials are paid for and laid on the ground. Crazy stuff.
Illegal border crossings had nearly stopped under Trump. As soon as the Biden administration came in, they reverted back to the “catch and release” policy and abandoned the “Remain in Mexico” policy. Now the illegal crossings have skyrocketed. The norm lately has been approximately 200,000 per month entering our country through the southern border.
Many of these are criminals with long records. Many have been deported repeatedly for serious crimes. The drug cartels are in full force and we are seeing a tremendous rise in drug related crimes and gang warfare. Non-citizens accounted for 24 percent of all federal drug arrests, 25 percent of all federal property arrests, and 28 percent of all federal fraud arrests. In 2018, a quarter of all federal drug arrests took place in the five judicial districts along the Mexican border. These are figures reported by The Heritage Foundation.
More than 65,000 unaccompanied minors have entered our country through the southern border this year. Two thirds of these children are unaccounted for. We have no idea what happened to them. You can be certain that some of them are now being trafficked for sex or labor. The Biden administration has rolled back the vetting process for the guardians that were to receive these children. Now they are being released to appear in court. They never appear and now they are unaccounted for. My heart hurts to think where these children are and what treatment they are receiving.
There were 227 migrant deaths last year in border crossing attempts. Just in the past few days a mother and her small child were found dead in the desert. There are so many heartbreaking stories of tragedy striking these poor people as they seek a better life.
The Biden administration has a proposal, tucked deep inside the $3.5 trillion infrastructure package, to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. This will open up the path to all welfare programs and, more importantly, a ticket to the ballot box.
By the way, this $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure package” will cost every family in this country $27,000 each. I don’t know about you, but my family can think of a lot of things to do with that kind of money.
We ran out of money long ago but politicians don’t seem to notice. They just cut another hole in the taxpayers pocket and they don’t even bother to ask for permission.
We are expected to stop complaining and let the government take care of everything, with your grandchildren’s money. Do as you’re told, get your vaccine, wear your mask and leave everything to us. You can’t work unless you’ve been vaccinated. You can’t come here from Europe and other countries without being vaccinated and tested. But come on in over the border without any testing. No Problem.
And the prize awaiting is $450,000 per person for this illegal activity. Who wouldn’t jump on that. If you think that’s not an enticement for more caravans, you’re dreaming.
Is this a great country or what?
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.