If I Can’t See It, Is It Still Considered Art?

Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate

It would be impossible to make this stuff up. Even on my most creative day.

As you know, the liberal left has been “creating” what they refer to as art since the beginning of time. Only in recent years have we, as a society, decided that the masses are obligated to subsidize the perversion of others’ delusions referred to as art. I’m convinced that this occurred because some “artists” were incapable of creating anything considered of value to their fellow man. Therefore, payment became mandatory from the taxpayer to the “artist.”

Well now these delusionists have really done it. I read an article about a new Museum of Non Visible Art. “Artists” have gone from shoveling dung on a canvass or covering bodies in chocolate to, well nothing. It’s too much to even expect these creative geniuses to throw trash on a canvas and put a price tag on it anymore. Now the “artist” is only expected to “imagine” the art and describe it to the buyer. The “art” is priced from $20 to $10,000 and will arrive at your doorstep in the form of a plaque with a description of the “art” but no actual product.

The website says this: 

The Museum of Non-Visible Art is an extravaganza of imagination, a museum that reminds us that we live in two worlds: the physical world of sight and the non-visible world of thought. Composed entirely of ideas, the Non-Visible Museum redefines the concept of what is real. Although the artworks themselves are not visible, the descriptions open our eyes to a parallel world built of images and words. This world is not visible, but it is real, perhaps more real than the world of matter, and it is also for sale.

So far, I can find no mention of “grants” to pay these struggling “artists” for these unseen talents, but you just know it’s coming. Keep watching…um… Sorry, I forgot. Watching won’t work, it’s invisible