Leftists Embrace Child Swapping

It’s not a well-kept secret that many on the left have been trying for some time to diminish the family as a unit. It is the one thing that stands in the way of socialist government control. I have written about this before and my fears keep getting reinforced on a regular basis. 

I have talked about how moms and dads are no longer the overseers of their own children, in many cases. But none of it makes any sense. For example, a child cannot get an aspirin or go on a field trip, without permission, but they can have abortions and it is perfectly okay. Students can be taught about every aspect of sexuality without parents knowing. In many cases, students have been allowed to begin transitioning, with assistance from educators, without parental knowledge or consent. They have been given vaccines without permission.

It appears that parents are the Sleeping giants and they have been awakened. Now they have insomnia and appear to be fighting back. I am sure you’ve seen the outraged parents at school board meetings around the country. 

The Biden Administration even labeled them domestic terrorists. That didn’t go over well, and the White House quickly tried to downplay that one.

Parents of a 12-year-old girl in Florida, filed a lawsuit after the daughter attempted suicide twice at school. The girl had been having secret meetings for months with the school counselor. The counselor told the parents the reason their daughter tried to kill herself was because of a “gender identity” issue. The complaint states that over months of these private meetings, the counselor endorsed the fact that the child “could be a boy.” While agreeing that she would not tell the child’s parents, she did begin using the male name and new pronouns in the classroom. This caused embarrassment and escalated bullying by classmates. Eventually this child attempted to hang herself, twice, in the bathroom.

The counselor told the parents that the daughter felt they would not agree with these changes because of their Christian beliefs. The child was taken to a behavioral health facility with little access to visits from parents. Regardless of how one feels about this issue, I think we can all agree that parents should have been involved before this became a crisis.

A school district in Boston faced a federal lawsuit. Parents claimed their children were discriminated against. The district held racially segregated events, certain students were invited, and white students were specifically excluded.

As you know, California leads the way on craziness. Remember when we used to hear about things happening in the Golden State and we just knew it would never happen here. Well not any longer. Just be sure that the left coast is the birthing ground, and those crazy ideas will be coming soon to an area near you.

Two teachers in California changed a 12-year-old child’s gender without telling her parents. The school changed her name and pronouns and reported the parents to Child Protective Services because they refused to use the correct name and pronouns. 

USA today published a piece awhile back advocating for abolishing parenthood in California. I swear it’s true. Nobody could make this stuff up. The article was titled, “California should abolish parenthood in the name of equity.” The piece argued for “equity” to be considered the states’ “highest value.” The editor even said that parents should be stripped of their “power” over children. 

The article has some of the craziest thoughts you can imagine. Excerpts follow:

“Fathers and mothers with greater wealth and education are more likely to transfer these advantages to their children, compounding privilege over generations. As a result, children of less advantaged parents face an uphill struggle, social mobility has stalled, and democracy has been corrupted.”

“My solution – making raising your own children illegal – is simple, and while we wait for the legislation to pass, we can act now: the rich and poor should trade kids, and homeowners might swap children with their homeless neighbors.” 

At first, I thought this was some kind of sick joke. The author can’t possibly have children to even think up such a plot. I’m wondering if he even had parents to be able to concoct this idea. Maybe he was hatched in a cabbage patch.

Some think that children are just possessions to be discarded when inconvenient. Most parents would give their lives and all their possessions for their children. There is nothing more important than the happiness and security of our children. Give them up? Over our DEAD BODIES!