Please Remove ‘Woke’ From The Olympics

I admit it. I’m an addict. Watching the Olympics is something that I cannot resist. I’m glued to my television and loving every minute of it. When I can’t watch, I stay tuned on my phone for updates.

It’s so exciting to watch these athletes who have trained their whole lives to be the best in their sport. I can only imagine the dedication and sacrifice it has been for many of them and their families. Many of these young people have given up much of their time, throughout their lives, to practice and reach perfection.

Of course, there must be some controversy. Big events never take place without somebody somewhere throwing in something that’s distasteful and insulting. The Paris Olympics opening ceremony just had to include something controversial. 

The ceremony setting was spectacular. The athletes came in on the Seine River in boats to the base of the Eiffel Tower. The Tower was beautifully displayed with synchronized lighting and music. 

Everything was perfect until we saw the display table on the bridge at the base of the Tower. There for the world to see was a crazy depiction of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting of The Last Supper. Other offenses included depictions of a golden calf and a horseman of the apocalypse.

Social commentators described the scene as blasphemous and satanic. Isn’t it ironic that these woke people insult Christians and conservatives and then call us “intolerant” if we push back? Imagine that. 

As Christians we are compelled to be messengers for Christ. We are not secret agents who sit back and allow our beliefs to be attached and maligned. They knew that and they didn’t care. It’s perfectly normal, for the woke society, to insult Christians and those who have traditional values.

In response Harrison Butker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, shared Galatians 6:7-8, on X. “Be not deceived. God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.” You may remember Butker for his “controversial graduation speech” supporting traditional values.

In addition to the insult to Christians, the opening ceremony had other “Woke” displays of poor taste. The organizers decided to add three drag queens as torch bearers. Why would you choose men, dressed as women, instead of choosing “real women” to carry the flame.? The woke crowd insults and demeans women at every opportunity while claiming to promote women and ‘women’s issues’. 

Riley Gaines, an advocate for women in sports, appropriately posted on social media, “Men in wigs front and center at the Olympic Games. No one ever tell me this group is ‘oppressed’ or ‘marginalized’ again. Amen.

The organizers also featured a French singer, Phillippe Katerine, who wore a g-string and a flower sash. His nearly nude body was covered with paint and glitter. He was the depiction of Dionysus, pagan God of orgies and drunkenness. 

There was also a dance routine by a threesome, two men and one woman. They danced around in a romantic chase kissing each other and then disappearing behind a closed door for privacy. 

The leaders of the French Catholic Church condemned these displays as an abomination. Good for them for speaking out.

Another despicable display featured Marie Antoinette with her severed head in her hand. She, of course, was depicted wearing drag style make up.

Criticism has been quick and fierce. Prominent figures around the world have weighed in on this debauchery. It’s good to know that many, all over the world, were equally offended by these depictions.

Can we just leave insults and disgusting displays out of the Olympic Games. Many are now boycotting and that’s so unfair to those dedicated athletes who have spent their lives preparing for this one shot. They are representing their country and hoping for a chance at an Olympic medal. That’s the dream of a lifetime.

Go U.S.A.