
The assassination attempt of former President Trump should be a wake-up call for all of us. The TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, is very much alive. I don’t think there has ever been anyone so hated. His opponents have tried everything to get rid of him. Thank God he is a courageous man who loves his country and is continuing to fight. The “Deep State” is also alive and real, and he is a danger to their continued power. God Bless the family of the man who lost his life. 

As I write this, we are anxiously awaiting the Vice-Presidential pick for the Trump campaign. There is a short list of favored candidates. It will be exciting to see the final pick. The VP pick and the assassination attempt have managed to take the Democrat chaos, over the Biden candidacy, off the front page for a few days. Can’t wait to see that circus return to the Big Top.

Why are Democrats fighting so hard to keep a bill requiring proof of citizenship before voting into law? Can you think of any other reason, besides cheating, for opposition to this common sense? Whether at the state level or the federal level, Democrat opposition is fierce.

We all know that under Biden our southern border is wide open. Did you know that illegal border crossings by Chinese nationals have increased by 7,000%? Do you think this could be a threat to our national security? 

The Biden administration has approved a 195-wind turbine project off the New Jersey shore. A former U.S. Department of Energy engineer sets off alarm bells. The engineer said this project will not only damage the tourism industry, but it will raise energy costs by up to 80%. Another expensive Boondoggle. I think that is the goal of some environmentalists.

CNN is finally reaping what they have sown. The chief executive, Mark Thompson, announced the layoffs of one hundred employees. They appear to be bailing out water from a sinking ship as the viewership has dropped like a lead balloon. They are not fooling anybody. They have been a shill for the liberal left and viewers no longer have any confidence in their reporting. If Thompson had announced they were obligating themselves to be more honest and unbiased, that would have helped more than the $1 billion he is promising to spend. The new investment will be in making the channel a “digital business.” He is replacing writers with artificial intelligence. I doubt there will be any noticeable changes.

The entertainment industry in the United States is also in trouble. Film and television production, across the country, dropped by 40 percent in 2024 second quarter. This is astounding. Hollywood has been too focused on being “woke” than making movies that people want to see. Most business leaders turn around when headed in the wrong direction. Hollywood just speeds up. Most of us learn from our failures but that does not appear to be the case in most of Hollywood’s productions.

It has been revealed that Disney sponsored naked LGBTQ Pride Parades for kids. A map was produced of all the nationwide sponsorship of Pride parades, many included adult nudity and sexually explicit performances. These are the same ‘woke” people who go nuts if a child is exposed to Bible stories but it is perfectly okay for the little ones to watch this “porn.”

The family of a 16-year-old tenth grader has filed a lawsuit against the Davidson County school district. Allegedly the student raised his hand and asked if the teacher was referring to “space aliens or illegal aliens who need green cards” The school suspended the boy for 3 days based on the fact that he said, “illegal alien.”  The craziness never ends.

A female inmate at a California prison for women was raped by a transgender inmate. Several women witnessed the incident. The left has absolutely initiated a war against women. 

Stanford University has 177 employees in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department. Wonder exactly what the job descriptions are? I am so thankful that UNC has finally taken steps to rid us of this useless program.