“Evil plans. God laughs.” This was the punchy introduction to a short article written by Laura Wellington from the conservative Western Journal on Friday.
Laura wrote that, “According to Fox Business, the SEC approved a lucrative merger between Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent company of Truth Social, and “with its special purpose acquisition company Digital World Acquisition Corp., a publicly traded shell company. On Friday, shareholders ultimately voted to go forward with the merger. Doing so will raise the wealth of the remaining Republican presidential candidate by billions. The timing of this merger couldn’t be better.”
The Failed State of New York recently held a series of show trials against President Donald Trump. In one case, the Failed State alleged that President Trump had the audacity to estimate the values of his real estate holdings to secure loans from banks. In other words, he did what every single person with a mortgage has done. He even had the decency to remind banks to do their own due diligence before making any loans. As if any bank on the planet needed the reminder. Then he made each lender a large profit when he paid the loans off in full, with interest. I sure wish that President Trump would come “defraud” me like that.
Regardless of how you feel about President Trump. This should alarm every citizen in this country. I’m very familiar with the documents referred to here. As a businesswoman, I have on many occasions estimated the values of properties to secure loans for development. Never, in all my years, did any bank simply take my word for those values. They always did their own appraisals and analysis. That’s what banks do.
Imagine that government agencies would decide that this was a good enough reason to go after businesses who have always followed this same procedure. Every business in this country could likely be targeted if the “powers that be” didn’t like you or your politics.
Video clips from this case were worse than a b-roll from a bad Lifetime movie. Somehow this is the real-life American legal system in 2024. If Trump does not hand over almost half a billion dollars in cash by March 25, then the Failed State may attempt to seize his assets and sell them in a fire sale. We will know what happened by the time this column runs on Tuesday.
Wellington wrote that the merger with Truth Social could solve President Trump’s problems: “It will provide him with fresh funds to cover his mounting legal bills as well as meet a looming deadline demanding he cough up $454 million to pay a penalty he was smacked with in a civil fraud case in New York.”
Believe it or not I feel unusually optimistic about this case. The entire farce tells me that the Democrats know they are not winning.
Political scientists often study something called statecraft, the art and science of leading a nation. Monarchies in the past knew that it was not possible to “force” people to do things. So, they studied other methods like indoctrination, giveaways, and cultural influence to avoid coups and rebellions.
One phenomenon in the world of statecraft is that as despots start to lose power, they resort to using brute force to maintain power. Every communist and fascist regime since the dawn of time has had crackdowns and raids before everything collapsed. Now the wannabe tyrants in the Democrat Party see that their time is about to come. Their tried-and-true old tricks – Hollywood actors and fake news – are not working. Now they are using whatever force they can muster and embarrassing themselves in the process.
The Founding Fathers were the greatest political scientists in human history besides Jesus Christ. They recognized that man’s rights were granted by Almighty God, and that coercion is not needed. I thought that Wellington’s conclusion about this situation was right on the money: “Seems that God might be laughing Trump all the way to the bank in response to the persecution he’s been enduring simply because he wants to make America great again, draining the swamp in the process. The timing is uncanny. “
Editor’s Note: This article was originally written on Sunday, March 24, 2024. Last week, far-left fake news outlets like CNN were predicting that President Trump’s net worth would increase by $3 billion. According to Morning Start his net worth actually rose by nearly $5 billion.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.