There was a lot of fear last week as the country was on the verge of a shutdown. The real problem is debt. Nobody fears that monster?
An organization called Do No Harm has filed suit against Pfizer and its Breakthrough Fellowship Program. The Fellowship is very prestigious and offers a fully paid master’s degree and a management position at Pfizer. Pfizer refused to accept students who are white or Asian. Do No Harm sued Pfizer for racially excluding whites and Asians from its Fellowship in violation of federal civil rights laws. I for one oppose racial discrimination.
Biden now calling for an end of “poisonous atmosphere in Washington, D.C.” Isn’t that rich? Joe Biden’s life is an avatar for all that is wrong with Washington, D.C. Hey Joe, here is a tip: if you want to end the poisonous atmosphere, perhaps you could start by not using the government to go after your political opponents.
Somebody has finally seen the solar-powered light. After decades of preaching about climate change (formerly ‘global warming’, and before that ‘global cooling’), Bill Gates suddenly decided that the outlook is not so bad after all. At a recent event, he said, “No temperate country is going to be uninhabitable.” Could it be he realizes that folks are sick of being preached to by elites circling the globe in private jets? Bill probably uses more energy in a week than most people do in years.
A group of twenty state attorneys general have asked the Supreme Court to overturn a court ruling enforcing bans on homeless encampments. Many cities are overwhelmed by homeless encampments and crime statistics are rising substantially. Homeless individuals claim their constitutional rights are being violated and are seeking to overturn cities’ anti homeless ordinances. I did not know there was a right to camp out wherever you want to.
In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers learned that screen time exposure results in attention deficit problems for our children. Who could have seen it coming?
Researchers discovered that mRNA was discovered in 70% of women who provided breast milk samples following Covid vaccinations. The researchers say further studies are needed to determine the amount of mRNA that could trigger response in newborns. I think we need more information about the COVID vaccine.
Remember when the far left supported almost any speech, no matter how crude, hateful, pornographic, or vulgar? A poll by RealClear Opinion Research on Americans attitude toward the First Amendment shows a big change. One-third of current Democrats agree that Americans have “too much freedom.” Three-fourths of Democrats think that the government is authorized to limit “hateful speech” on social media. And only 31% of Democrats agreed with the old saying, “I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”
As much as I dislike what AOC has to say, I will defend to the death her right to say it. But how much emissions could we save if she would just shut up every once in a while?
Colleges and universities are ignoring a recent Supreme Court decision that struck down racially discriminatory admissions policies. Writing a majority opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that for too long, universities have “concluded, wrongly, that the touchstone of an individuals’ identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin.”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer be giving out its COVID-19 vaccination cards, according to an October 4 update on the agency’s website. People will need to request immunization records from their local health department, a clinic, or pharmacy just as they would for other vaccinations. It is always progress when the federal government steps out of the way.
“If you want to boil down what wokeism is, it’s all based about sex. And that is homosexuality, it is transgender sex, same-sex marriages. It is couples living together outside of marriage, and of course, don’t want to be condemned. Wokeism is trying to accommodate sin and make people feel good about their sin,” the President of Samaritan’s Purse, Rev. Franklin Graham, told The Epoch Times.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.