Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
You’ve noticed that I’ve been on a rant lately about the World Economic Forum, I’m sure. Well, they just can’t stop their craziness. Now they have declared war on eggs. With egg prices skyrocketing, they are becoming unaffordable for many. This rich in protein food is now a big target. The WEF is encouraging us to eat bugs but leave the eggs alone.
According to data from the Department of Education and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, nationwide public-school funding per student is about 80% higher than private schools. The latest data shows that governments spend an average of $14,439 per student enrolled in K-12 public schools in the 2016-2017 school year. Private schools spent an average of $8,039 per student in that same year.
Data is in but I’m betting you haven’t heard this statistic. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) were conducted on the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccine prior to emergency authorization. Medical Journals published findings but the media seemed to miss it. Vital data gathered in RCTs found that 72,633 adults and older children participated in a trial in which half were given vaccines and half were given placebos. Results were that 70 people died during the trials, 37 who received the Covid vaccine and 33 who did not.
Neither of the vaccines increased or decreased risk of death to anyone more than 0.08%.
The vaccines could prevent up to two deaths or could cause up to three deaths per 1,000 people.
Young people between the ages of 5-18 were 19 times more likely to be murdered than to die of Covid. Yet we locked down schools and did tremendous harm to children to protect them from Covid. Why don’t we put that energy and resources into protecting them from real danger.
In 2015, Hungary erected a border along the Croatian border to stop illegal immigration. Illegal immigration dropped by 66%. But Border walls don’t work, you know.
Have you noticed the attempt by the far left to lay responsibility for violence at the feet of anyone who has disagreed with the lefts’ agenda? We are learning just how deep those roots have grown. Twitter was basically an accomplice with the Department of Justice and the FBI. They worked hand in hand to censor free speech of anyone who questioned the agenda of the administration and the leftist movement.
An ugly game of race preferences has been played at one of the nations top ranked high schools, Thomas Jefferson High in Virginia. The school acceptance was based on merit and the result was that the school was 70% Asian American. That just wouldn’t do. The school changed the criteria to embrace equity and inclusion with the admitted goal of changing the racial makeup of the student body. Lawsuits are pending as they must.
In the 1970s, we were told we were in a cooling crisis and if we weren’t careful we would enter into an ice age. That didn’t happen. A few decades later, we were told that the earth would be wiped away by rising sea levels if we didn’t reverse global warming by the year 2000. Why are we still listening to these nutcases? Now they tell us we have only 12 years to deal with climate change. What they are not telling you is that if the United States did away with 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions, 90% of the current pollution would still exist. News Flash, we are the cleanest climate in the Universe.
Whether or not you want an electric vehicle or whether or not you can afford one, you’re going to be paying for it anyway. You will be subsidizing your rich neighbors who want to feel good about themselves while driving their new electric vehicle. You will be paying for it with your tax dollars.
Did you know that we are still in a declared public emergency? Emergencies should never last three years. When the emergency ends, someday, Covid vaccines and testing supplies will no longer be paid by the government. The tab will be picked up by insurance companies and “we the people.” Pfizer and Moderna have announced that the vaccines may cost around $130. They haven’t made enough money yet?
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.