Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
I just returned from a Healthcare conference in La Jolla/San Diego, California. That must qualify as one of the most beautiful places in the world. The weather is perfect, all year round and it never rains in southern California, as you’ve heard. People are leaving there in droves and it’s surely not because of the scenery or the weather. They are heading for more freedom loving places like Texas and North Carolina.
By the way, I need to brag a little bit on our state. Once again, North Carolina is chosen number one as the best business climate in the country. This proves that conservative policies work. Reduced taxation and removing unnecessary regulations work every time it’s tried. Now if we can just prepare a workforce for all the companies wanting to come here. That’s a serious problem now.
Back to California. That beautiful state is being devastated by illegal immigrants walking in over the border. (Oops, I forgot it is not politically correct to say illegals or aliens. We should say ‘undocumented non-U.S. citizens’.) Of course, they are moving on to other parts of the country, including North Carolina, but nothing compares to what the border states are experiencing.
This entire country is in trouble. The current administration has such a list of failures that one hardly knows where to begin. But the crisis at the border must be one of the biggest failures in history.
The open border policies of the Biden Administration are causing chaos and havoc at the border. Governor Greg Abbot, Texas, has started transporting thousands of these immigrants to other parts of the country. These liberal politicians are groaning and moaning. The open-door policies are fine with them if it’s not in their back yard.
New York and D.C. are complaining heavily about the “invasion” of their cities. Homeless shelters filled up quickly and the mayor is begging the Biden Administration and the Council of Mayors for assistance.
New York city is housing the immigrants in 14 hotels around the city….. are you ready for this?…… at $700 per night. I understand they are reevaluating that decision to use luxury hotels. Probably after taxpayers learned about it.
Immigrant Affairs Commissioner, Manuel Castro, defended the decision by saying they had no choice. They were forced to strike deals and take what they could to house these immigrants. He also strikes out at Governor Abbot for exporting these migrants to his city. Of course, NIMBY.
Since Biden became President, nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the U.S. border. According to FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform, this is roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland. Already 2 million have entered this year alone.
These are not only people coming to this country for a better life. Customs and Border Patrol, CBP, reported that 66 individuals from the FBI’s Terror Watch list have been apprehended this year. I shudder to think how many others were not apprehended and waltzed right in with the intention of destroying our country.
CBP also seized 2,130 pounds of synthetic opioid fentanyl last month. This was three times more than June and topped the previous high of 1,300 pounds in April. This nearly equals the entire of amount of fentanyl confiscated in 2019.
A recent survey shows that the American people believe that we are in crisis. They identify this migration as an “Invasion.”
There is a human cost to this “invasion.” I’m sure you heard about the death of two small children last week. They drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande along with their mother. These stories are heartbreaking. So far this year, there have been 609, through July, migrant deaths near the border. This is only the number that authorities have found. Imagine those that perish on the other side of the border in the desert or through drowning that U.S. authorities never see.
The Biden administration tries to paint this as a Humanitarian Act. It is anything but.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.