Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
Following is an open letter to Secretary Cashwell of the North Carolina Department of Administration regarding a message from the Council for Women. I was honored to serve on the Council for Women before my service in the Senate. Obviously, this organization no longer represents all women, only the ones who favor a certain agenda.
Dear Secretary Cashwell:
Recently a great friend and supporter wrote to me about about information she received from the North Carolina Department of Administration.
The Department that you help to run is overseen by Governor Roy Cooper. Your job description is to oversee basic state government operations like construction, purchasing and contracting for goods and services, and facilities and grounds maintenance.
What does that mean? It means that when fourth graders from Piney Grove Elementary School visit Raleigh for the annual class field trip, your employees help to staff the parking decks and make sure that the grass is cut so that they can enjoy their visit to the Capitol. It also means that when overworked prison guards need to order supplies, you have already done the legwork of figuring out pricing and from whom to order. Most of your employees are great public servants who are not involved in politics. I thank them for what they do for this state.
You are also involved in other lines of business, apparently. According to your website, you “oversee many of the state’s advocacy programs, which advocate for and serve diverse segments of the state’s population that have been traditionally underserved.”
One of those groups is the Council for Women, which purports to represent North Carolinians like my friend and me, and many other women who live in my district in Forsyth and Davie (and soon, Stokes) Counties.
It is a tough time to be a woman. Violent crimes like sexual assaults and rapes are up across the country, including here in North Carolina, and many elected officials are still calling to defund the police. In schools, biological men are destroying women’s sports. How many North Carolina women have been shut out of college sports scholarships? How many are choosing not to even step foot on the field? Some people deny that we exist. Women are now reduced to ‘birthing persons’ in this new, woke world. US Supreme Court nominees cannot even define what a ‘woman’ is.
But recently the Department of Administration’s “Council for Women” started off an e-mail to my friend by writing, “It should come as no surprise that the North Carolina Council for Women… supports women’s rights to make the reproductive decisions that are best for them and their families,” before going on to criticize the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
What? It sure comes as a surprise to the millions of pro-life North Carolina women. It also comes as a shock to me as a State Senator. Why is a North Carolina government agency lecturing us about its opinion on US Supreme Court rulings?
The message went on to demonize the women who celebrated this decision: “For a country whose moral arc has traditionally bent toward justice, this is an aberration and a revocation of decades of progress.” Excuse me? My moral arc is determined by my faith. My church does not follow the unholy gospel of the North Carolina Department of Administration.
The prose gets worse as it continues…. “We are compelled to remind our leaders of the impending public health and economic crises that will accompany this regressive, cruel and overly politicized decision…” If you’re not overly politicizing the issue, what is?
Madame Secretary: Governor Cooper, yourself, and your appointees ARE leaders of this State. You are in Raleigh to build buildings and cut grass and negotiate contracts. I am not interested in the Council’s pro-abortion screeds. They should not be done on the taxpayer time or on the taxpayer dime.
The closing paragraph of the e-mail has a line that I agree with. It may be the only line that I agree with in the entire e-mail. “…Let us remember that ours is a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
There is a new mood in the country. North Carolinians are sick of supply shortages, high inflation, and $5 per gallon gas. We’re tired of the words ‘mask’ or ‘vaccine’. And we are ready to destroy the false idol of ‘woke.’ These are issues women care about also.
A search of your website lists “Current Initiatives.” The only thing listed under this category are statements issued on May 18, regarding the leak from the Supreme Court, and on June 28 regarding the final decision on Roe v Wade. Shall we assume those are your only current initiatives and you have no interest in addressing the many other important issues facing women?
Women care about the schools our children attend (those that we chose to birth). When is the last time you spoke out about giving mothers choices in the schools for their children?
If anyone can now decide to be a woman, what is the purpose of the Council for Women? If Women’s issues now apply to anyone who identifies as a woman, how can issues be specific?
As an organization supported by taxpayers, your duty is to represent all women. It appears you have turned into a political organization rather than an organization representing women and working to resolve the many issues we care about. Your only issue appears to be abortion for those “birthing people.”
Senator Joyce Krawiec
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.