Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.
I heard someone say, I can’t remember who or the exact words, I’ll paraphrase. “Find out how much a man is willing to tolerate, and only give him what he will put up with.” I think some citizens may have finally reached their maximum level of tolerance.
All over the country parents are showing up for school board meetings like never before. In the past most school boards have welcomed participation by parents. That appears to have changed as parents are complaining about mask mandates and Critical Race Theory.
The National School Boards Association has petitioned the Biden Administration for intervention by the Federal Government. Even suggesting that these acts might be classified as “domestic terrorism”. An excerpt of the letter is reprinted below.
“As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. As such, NSBA requests a joint expedited review by the U. S. Dept of Justice, Education and Homeland Security, along with appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the FBI, including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counter terrorism Division…”
I think our local police and sheriff can handle a group of unruly parents without the full throttle of the federal government. This is really an overreach.
At the state level, we are receiving letters from local school boards wanting us to repeal the recent law to mandate schools address masks requirements monthly. The claim is there is too much disruption from parents showing up and speaking. It takes too much time and the boards can’t do their work.
Then there is the much touted $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” package. This is government overreach on steroids. President Biden tweeted out “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars.” What? Lets get this straight, we’re going to spend $3.5 trillion and it will cost zero. OK. It’s only 2500 pages so nobody knows what’s in it yet. I guess they’ll have to pass it to learn what’s in it. These are just a few of the things that I’ve learned.
* The package contains trillions in tax increases. Biden claims, “no family making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes.” False. The Joint Committee on Taxation, the official scorekeeper, determines that taxes go up for anyone making more than $30,000 per year.
* The bill will increase the federal corporate tax rate higher than is imposed by the Communist Party of China. That will make America less competitive, lower wages, higher prices and destroy jobs.
* The Global Warming/Climate Change Agenda will get $500 billion. This will increase energy costs to low income Americans. Upper class Americans who tend to buy electric vehicles will be subsidized by poor Americans. This will destroy lower cost energy choices while America pays the price for high polluting countries like China and India who are not restrained by these energy regulations. Oh, by the way, this will have negligible impacts on global warming. Over the course of 100 years the global temperature will reduce 0.04 Celsius. I contend as our economy shrinks from these policies China’s will increase and this gain will be negligible.
* If you like your paid family leave, you can’t keep it. The government will now assume the responsibility of PFL that is now paid for by companies.
I’ve saved the best for last. The final two pieces of this monster bill are almost unbelievable, but you couldn’t make this stuff up.
**The bill gives $79 billion to the IRS – almost six times their annual budget. This is a slush fund of monumental proportions and would politicize the IRS even more than it is now. You need to know why this huge sum is going to the agency. It’s so they can spy on our accounts. The bill proposes that financial institutions are required to report all transactions from accounts holding more than $600. Is there nothing they won’t try to do?
I understand that there has been a huge outcry regarding this provision and Democrats have been ordered back to the drawing board to reconsider.
** There has to be a payoff to the friends in the media. The bill proposes a tax credit for any journalist working for a newspaper publisher of $12,500 per quarter. That’s $50,000 per year. (An earlier version of the bill offered $25,000 per year) This is a refundable tax credit, not a deduction or write off. Which means tax payers are subsidizing newspapers.
Now imagine the serious problem of subsidizing newspapers. A federal bureaucrat would be in charge of deciding what qualifies as a legitimate newspaper. The IRS would be combing through papers to see if it qualifies for special tax treatment. That’s a scary thought to me.
Yep, I think people have topped out on tolerance for Government interference. Then again, maybe not.
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Joyce Krawiec is a conservative activist, former North Carolina Republican Party Vice-Chair, and retiring North Carolina Senator. Christian, wife, mother, small business owner, and conservative. She has endorsed Dana Caudill-Jones for North Carolina Senate.